Shape99 Protein

Shape99 presents a range of high-quality protein powders which are free from added sugar and added fat.

Every protein powder by Shape99 contains a blend of herbs which provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antiviral, antiarthritic, immunomodulatory, neuroprotective, antineoplastic, and anticarcinogenic properties.

Benefits of Protein Supplements by Shape99

  • Add the right nutrition to your daily diet.
  • Help in muscle building, strength, and recovery.
  • Support weight management.
  • Boost immunity and metabolism.

Suggested Use and Preparation Guideline

Following are some of the best protein shake recipes. That you get jacked without ruining your taste is an underrated benefit of protein shake. A good Protein Shake makes sure you are getting good nutrition.

Protein Shake Without Milk

Add 1 scoopful of powder in to a shaker add slightly cold 250ml water and shake vigorously until uniform mixture is formed, serves for 1 (1scoop/30gm powder).

Protein Shake With Milk

Add 200ml milk, 1 banana, 1 TBSP of peanut butter and 1 scoop (30gm) of Shape99 protein powder and blend it for 2-3 minutes, enjoy a delightful smoothie.


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